Hi Ken.

I haven't really used T4, but I suspect you may need to bind
the parameter to a persistent property in your Home page:

    <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Gallery"
        collectionType="ognl:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Now, you may have noticed that no-one else has replied to you,
and in the interests of improving the signal-to-noise ratio of
the list I'd like to make a polite suggestion.

Post once on a topic, with no ALL-CAPS in the title, and then
wait a day to see if anyone replies. Repeat posts are likely
to either aggravate readers or suggest you've been answered.

Everyone wants input on their particular problem, but posting
10 times a day in ALL-CAPS is not the best way to attract it.


Ken nashua wrote:

I have been chasing my tail trying to get a simple parameter to work. I am 2 
years tapestry and developed parameters for quite sometime.

Can someone confirm this as bug or present a solution?

This is what I have...

public abstract class Gallery extends BaseComponent
    public static IPropertySelectionModel tableSizeModel = new 
StringPropertySelectionModel(new String[] {
            "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "10", "25", "50", "100", "500", "1000", "2500", "5000", 
"10000", "25000", "50000" });

    @Parameter(required = false, cache = true, defaultValue = "1")
    public abstract String getTableSize();
    public abstract void setTableSize(String tableSize);
... }

Home.html (usage)
    <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Gallery"
            collectionType="ognl:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Depending on whether I specify @Parameter or @Persist of declare the arrays non-static or specify the parameter in JWC file or omit them from the Home.html definition... I receive various exceptions ranging from cannot update this parameter ...to cannot update static data ...to stack overflow... to bindingexception... to not being able to even reference the property inside an @If condition <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:(index % tableSize) == 0">

Can someone explain how they wold do this? I tried every combination.

Nothing works. Informal parameters are allowed on the java class declaration as 
well as within the JWC file.


Best regards
Ken in nashua

Gallery.html follows:

<span jwcid="$content$">

    <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
        <table width="100%" border=1>
                <td width="25%" align="left" NOWRAP>
                    <span jwcid="@Insert" value="Table Size"/>
                    <select jwcid="@PropertySelection" model="ognl:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
value="ognl:tableSize" onchange="tapestry.form.refresh(this.form)"></select>
                    <span jwcid="@Insert" value="Paging Span"/>
                    <select jwcid="@PropertySelection" model="ognl:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
value="ognl:pagingSpan" onchange="tapestry.form.refresh(this.form)"></select>
                <td align="left" NOWRAP>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onBegin" style="fontSize:15px;"> <span 
jwcid="@Insert" value="<<"/> </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onPrev"> <span jwcid="@Insert" 
value="<"/> </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onPage" parameters="ognl:1"> <span 
jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:1"/> </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onPage" parameters="ognl:2"> <span 
jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:2"/> </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onPage" parameters="ognl:3"> <span 
jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:3"/> </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onPage" parameters="ognl:4"> <span 
jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:4"/> </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onPage" parameters="ognl:5"> <span 
jwcid="@Insert" value="ognl:5"/> </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onNext"> <span jwcid="@Insert" 
value=">"/>  </a>
                    <a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener="listener:onEnd"> <span jwcid="@Insert" 
value=">>"/> </a>

    <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
        <table width="100%">
                <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" source="ognl:collection" 
value="ognl:currentObject" index="ognl:index">
                    <span jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:(index % tableSize) == 0">
                        <span jwcid="@Insert" value="</tr><tr>" raw="true"/>
                    <a jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" listener="listener:edit" 
                        <img jwcid="@Image"
                             title="ognl:currentObject.demographics.city" width="160" 

    <form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" listener="listener:onFormSubmit">
        <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent"/>
        <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.collectionContent"/>
        <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent"/>
    <span jwcid="@Script" script="/org/trails/demo/components/Gallery.script"

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