since your example effectively calls a ActionLink through AJAX, a redirect
DOES happen. It's the result of the ActionLink. If I'm seeing this correctly
what then is the advantage of doing a call through AJAX or a form.submit()
for the discussed purpose, since both result in a redirect?


HugoPalma wrote:
> The method i suggested is implemented so that you don't have to submit 
> the form. That's what AJAX is all about, you make a request to the 
> server and then update a portion of your page based on the response from 
> the server using javascript. There's no page reload of for submission.
> Britske wrote:
>> yeah indeed it is only called once when the template is rendered, I
>> discovered now. 
>> However i don't need to return a dynamic url or whatever based on the
>> getTheLink-method. 
>> what I need is a way to reliably catch a event at the server/java side
>> (in
>> this case onChange) every time that event occurs. I don't want to submit
>> my
>> form when that happens (otherwise I could use the method you suggested)
>> but
>> I want to update some information on the current page and stay there. 
>> This means that i have to redirect to my currentpage with a couple of
>> queryparameters in the url which depend on the selected fields in the
>> form. 
>> hmm, the more i think about it, I don't think i really need to catch the
>> event server-side. I just redirect to the current page on onChange using
>> javascript:window.location=... and parse the querystrings correctly in
>> it. 
>> hope this makes sense, 
>> thanks!
>> Geert-Jan
>> HugoPalma wrote:
>>> That's the way it's supposed to be.
>>> You only see the getTheLink method executed once because that what it 
>>> need to replace ${theLink} in your template with the correct link that 
>>> is returned from your method. This is done once when the page renders. 
>>> If you look at the rendered page source you won't see ${theLink} there, 
>>> instead you will the the generated link to your listener.
>>> Anyway, does it really matter how many times the getTheLink method is 
>>> invoked ? I think not.  What really matters is that the listener method 
>>> to which your getTheLink method should be returning the URL to is called 
>>> whenever you call the "sendRequest" function.
>>> Britske wrote:
>>>> thanks that works partially. 
>>>> However, the event is only catched twice: 
>>>> 1. on pageload (??m the sendRequest isn't called, but somehow the
>>>> getTheLink()-method is executed.)
>>>> 2. the first time i send a onchange. 
>>>> However after the first onchange all other onchange-event don't get
>>>> getTheLink() executed, although sendRequest() is called on the
>>>> client-side
>>>> each time. 
>>>> This is my relevant code: 
>>>> in  html: 
>>>> <script>
>>>> function sendRequest() 
>>>>     {
>>>>            alert("sendRequest reached");
>>>>            new Ajax.Request('${theLink}',
>>>> {asynchronous:true,onSuccess:handleResponse});
>>>>     } 
>>>> </script>
>>>> ...
>>>> <select t:type="select" t:model="themaList" t:value="thema"
>>>> onchange="sendRequest()" name="thema" id="thema" tabindex="4" 
>>>> class="formElement"/>
>>>> in the page-class: 
>>>>    public String getTheLink() 
>>>>    {
>>>>            System.out.println("catched!!");
>>>>            return "catched!";
>>>>    } 
>>>> Do you 've got any idea what causes this behavior? 
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Geert-Jan
>>>> HugoPalma wrote:
>>>>> I would suggest that you use AJAX instead of doing the form submit. 
>>>>> Although the AJAX integration in T5 is still not implemented it's very 
>>>>> easy to do using the provided prototype and json javascripts. I did
>>>>> this 
>>>>> successfully for some simple events also.
>>>>> Shortly, here's how i did it:
>>>>> In my page i have these two javascript functions:
>>>>> function handleResponse(xhrResponse) {
>>>>>         var json = xhrResponse.responseText.evalJSON(true);
>>>>>         //Do whatever you want with the server response
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     // -->
>>>>>     function sendRequest() {
>>>>>             new Ajax.Request('${theLink}', {asynchronous:true, 
>>>>> onSuccess:handleResponse});
>>>>>     }
>>>>> On the page class i have:
>>>>> public String getTheLink() {
>>>>>         Link l = _resources.createActionLink("myAction", false);
>>>>>         return l.toURI();
>>>>>     }
>>>>> public StreamResponse onMyAction() {
>>>>>         Collection<Casta> castas =
>>>>> _regiaoDao.getRegiao(regiao).getCastas();
>>>>>         JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
>>>>>           // Add whatever info you want to send to the client
>>>>>         return new TextStreamResponse("text/xml",
>>>>> jsonObject.toString());
>>>>>     }
>>>>> And that's it. Works great. All you have to do now is call the 
>>>>> sendRequest function from whatever javascript event you want to catch.
>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>> Britske wrote:
>>>>>> I have a use-case in which i need to catch a onchange of of
>>>>>> select-component
>>>>>> on the server-side. 
>>>>>> The only way I know how to do that is do a javascript
>>>>>> onchange='this.form.submit()' and catch the onsubmit() event on the
>>>>>> serverside.
>>>>>> This works well when i don't have a submit-component in the form as
>>>>>> well. 
>>>>>> However, when I do have a submit the onchange doesn't give a
>>>>>> onsubmit()
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> the serverside anymore. 
>>>>>> So, the onchange in the following snippet doesn't give a server side
>>>>>> onsubmit()-event:
>>>>>> <body>
>>>>>> <form t:type="form" t:id="form" id="form">
>>>>>>  <select t:type="select" t:model="countryList" t:value="country"
>>>>>> onchange="this.form.submit();"/>
>>>>>>     <input t:type="Submit" value="All results"/>
>>>>>> </form>
>>>>>> </body>
>>>>>> However, the following does:
>>>>>> <body>
>>>>>> <form t:type="form" t:id="form" id="form">
>>>>>>  <select t:type="select" t:model="countryList" t:value="country"
>>>>>> onchange="this.form.submit();"/>
>>>>>>     <!--<input t:type="Submit" value="All results"/>-->
>>>>>> </form>
>>>>>> </body>
>>>>>> This isn't expected behavior since both examples do work with plain
>>>>>> html
>>>>>> form elements. 
>>>>>> anyone?
>>>>>> Geert-Jan

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