Someruntime output...
 <input-symbol key="theWidget" class="org.trails.demo.components.Gallery" 
required="yes"/> <input-symbol key="theTableSize" required="yes"/>
 <let key="galleryForm">document.forms[0]</let> <let 
 <let key="tableWidth" unique="yes">${theWidget.tableWidth}</let> <let 
key="tableSize" unique="yes">${theWidget.tableSize}</let> <let key="tWidget" 
this   alert(${galleryForm});   alert(${galleryFormId});   
alert("${theWidget.clientId}");   alert("${theWidget}");   alert("${tWidget}"); 
  alert("${tableSize}");transates to   alert(document.forms[0]);   
alert(document.forms[0].id);   alert("galleryWidget");   alert("[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]/galleryWidget]");   alert("[EMAIL PROTECTED]/galleryWidget]");   
what is 2_0 ? 
How do we get to the tableSize value to the property of the component?Best 
regards Ken in nashua

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: Output variables in Tapestry 
Script - 4.1.3Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 09:48:29 -0400

Attached is the modules in question... My tableSize parameter is specified in 
Home.html along with the component. I am able to dereference the form and 
get/set the value of the select component. I guess I want to get the value of 
the select and assign it to the ognl property of my component. I need to do the 
same onChange. Your feedback is appreciated.Best regards Ken in nashua

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: Output variables in Tapestry 
Script - 4.1.3Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 09:23:40 -0400

correction...>BUT document.forms.${myFormName} produces undefined at the above 
works... But if I have a DIV or SPAN above in a containing html file I am 
unable to assign a name to it or dereference it in the document object. 
clarification on how to dereference and assign output data to these is 
appreciated.Best regards Ken in nashua

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Output variables in Tapestry Script 
- 4.1.3Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 09:11:58 -0400

Folks, I am using simple div/span... no form. When I attempt to index an 
element is showing undefined. 1. document.forms[0] produces my form alright and 
it has a name     BUT document.forms.${myFormName} produces undefined at      
runtime ? Why the lapse ? myFormname equates to the      actual form name    
EVEN this fails... document.forms['${myFormName}'] as      undefined 2. 
Assignment to <span name='sams as id' show up blank in debugger ? This prevents 
me from accessing is using DOM notation. Jesse/Andy... can you assess/advise 
the usability of this script? The docs are too scarse on outputs and the 
example code in the docs is out of context. How are we suppose to assign values 
to a dom element (which I am mapping to an abstract ognl component method 
parameter) when accessing/subscripting/dereferencing these in script body is 
not even possible? <input-symbol...<let key='... There is no ability to 
de-reference variables beyond these thereafter. The docs state this is all 
powerful and usable but I oanly see inputs working... I need to manipulate 
outputs by setting values to parameters/values in the DOM space... (or setting 
properties in the OGNL space) within my script.Can someone give a comprehensive 
snippet that shows an authentic assignment within a script to assign to both 
parameters/values in the DOM space and setting properties in the OGNL space? I 
am trying to pioneer some fertile ground here and happy to produce a new widget 
for public consumption based on your framework. Thanks in advance...Best 
regards Ken in nashua

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