I'm trying to create my own resource type in addition to the ClasspathResource (for returning a URL of "classpath:") and the ContextResource(for returning a URL of "context:")

What I'm trying to achieve is to add a third resource type which I'm calling HttpResource(so I can return a URL of "http://hostname.org:80/my_external_template_root/";)

I have built and succesfully implemented the following:


Now it appears that I need to add my own implementation of PageTemplateLocator and I'm contributing it in the following way in my AppModule:
   public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder) {
binder.bind(PageTemplateLocator.class, CustomPageTemplateLocatorImpl.class).withId("HttpPageLocator").withMarker(PLMarker.class);

   public PageTemplateLocator buildHttpPageLocator(
           @HttpProvider AssetFactory httpAssetFactory,
           ComponentClassResolver componentClassResolver
   ) {
return new CustomPageTemplateLocatorImpl(httpAssetFactory.getRootResource(),

   public static void contributeAliasOverrides(
           @InjectService("HttpPageLocator")PageTemplateLocator locator,
           Configuration<AliasContribution> configuration) {

                       PageTemplateLocator.class, locator));

public void contributeAssetSource(MappedConfiguration<String, AssetFactory> configuration,
                                     AssetFactory httpAssetFactory) {

       configuration.add("http", httpAssetFactory);


   public AssetFactory buildHttpAssetFactory(ApplicationGlobals globals) {
       return new HttpAssetFactory(_request, globals.getContext());

Make note of my: method signature with the PageTemplateLocator contibution:
public PageTemplateLocator buildHttpPageLocator( @HttpProvider AssetFactory httpAssetFactory ....

shouldn't the Annotation be enough to differentiate between which locator is selected?

From debugging it appears that I've completely knocked out Tapesty's PageTemplateLocator
which is found in InternalModule.java:
public PageTemplateLocator build(@ContextProvider
   AssetFactory contextAssetFactory,

   ComponentClassResolver componentClassResolver)
return new PageTemplateLocatorImpl(contextAssetFactory.getRootResource(),

so you see how the method signature is different than mine?

What am I missing here? Or have I stumbled into something that hasn't been fleshed out?


BTW: Howard, you are a genius

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