Services are loaded by the normal class loader without any special
trickery.  We create classes (proxies and such), but don't modify
existing classes for Tapestry IoC.  This is necessary to ensure that
services code inter-operates properly with all kinds of third party,
legacy and other code that is far, far beyond the scope of Tapestry

To encourage service implementations to properly store service
depenencies as final instance variables, such dependencies are passed
only into the constructor.

So for services, injection is assumed, for the constructor parameters
(as if an @Inject annotation was present).

Now for components, it's a different story.  The component classes are
very specific to Tapestry, not intended for reuse elsewhere, and are
modified at runtime to work properly and efficiently within the
constraints of Tapestry's multi-threaded runtime environment.

Tapestry components are quite a bit different from service, in terms
of lifecycle, and in terms of the what can be injected (all sorts of
resources besides services) and in the fact that they quite often have
considerable (if largely temporary)
internal state, while services most often have no internal state at all.

Constructor injection is insufficient for components, because Tapestry
needs to really know about the individual fields.  For example, if

private MyService _service;

... and then in some code:

void onActionFromNotAGoodIdea()
  _service = new MyOtherImpl();

You'll actually get a runtime error explaining that the field is read only.

So field injection is both necessary and requires far less typing ...
you don't have to write a constructor and assigning all the fields
from it. On the other hand, the fields aren't final (though they often
act final).

The real downside is that you have a similar concept, injection, with
two very different expressions.

It would be interesting if Tapestry IoC could support injection on
fields, and "backtrack" from the field to the constructor parameter.
It might also be interesting if components could define a constructor
and Tapestry could work forwards from the parameter annotations
forwards to the fields.  I think both approaches would require a large
amount of effort and may not actually add any value.

Certainly in the short term, people would be much happier if we got
the Ajax support going.

Of course, I'm writing this on my PC while I get Leopard installed
onto my Mac (my main development machine).

On Nov 10, 2007 12:43 PM, Michael Courcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks again for this effort of documentation.
> I have a question about dependency injection between services.
> We can inject a service thanks to the @Inject annotation in a page
> component.
> I find this feature pretty handy.
> But (correct me if I'm wrong but I think I'm not because I test it) we
> can't @Inject a service in a sercice.
> Instead we must provide the service to the other service through its
> constructor.
> Why did you make this choice ?
> I would find useful as well to inject a service in a service with the
> same annotation ?
> Michael
> Howard Lewis Ship a écrit :
> > I've been working on new documentation about Tapestry IoC (similar
> > stuff will be coming for Tapestry core):
> >
> > Overview:
> >
> >
> >
> > Cookbook:
> >
> >
> >
> > Feedback is encouraged!
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Howard M. Lewis Ship
Partner and Senior Architect at Feature50

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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