Hi Joshua,

If you look through the configuration guide: http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry4/UsersGuide/configuration.html, under "Application extensions", you'll find the following two entries in the table:

An object which is used to find page and component specifications that are not located using the default search rules. The use of this is open-ended, but is generally useful in very advanced scenarios where specifications are stored externally (perhaps in a database), or constructed on the fly.

An object which is used to find page or component templates that are not located using the default search rules. The use of this is open-ended, but is generally useful in very advanced scenarios where templates are stored externally (perhaps in a database), or constructed on the fly.

While I disagree that wanting to put page specifications/templates in places other than the Tapestry defaults is a "very advanced scenario", at least we do have this option available to us. In both cases, it's just implementing the interfaces, so you're free to implement them however you want. I did go into the Tapestry source, myself, to see how the default implementors were doing it.

I should be able to publish my own approach this weekend, if you're still having trouble and can wait a bit more.

Joshua Jackson wrote:
Hi Jim,

Thanks for replying. But isn't it possible to configure this just
using hivemodule.xml without having to create the classes you've
mentioned? Since I'm still new to this and do not have any idea how
would the class look like.


On 11/13/07, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tapestry's HiveMind configuration provides two service points that can
be implemented: tapestry.page.SpecificationResolverDelegate (to find
page/component specifications), and
tapestry.parse.TemplateSourceDelegate (to find page/component
templates).  Implementations of ISpecificationResolverDelegate and
ITemplateSourceDelegate, respectively, can be plugged into these

So I created a drop-in JAR with:
 1.  My own implementation of ISpecificationResolverDelegate
 2.  My own implementation of ITemplateSourceDelegate
 3.  META-INF/hivemodule.xml to tell HiveMind how to plug those
implementations into Tapestry's configuration.

Here's my slightly-censored hivemodule.xml:

<module id="com.company...ModuleName"
   version="1.0.0" package="com.company...">
 <implementation service-id="tapestry.page.SpecificationResolverDelegate">
     <construct class="SpecificationResolverDelegate">
       <set-object property="context"
value="service:tapestry.globals.WebContext" />

 <implementation service-id="tapestry.parse.TemplateSourceDelegate">
     <construct class="com.company...TemplateSourceDelegate">
       <set-object property="context"
value="service:tapestry.globals.WebContext" />
       <set-object property="parser"
value="service:tapestry.parse.TemplateParser" />
       <set-object property="resolver"
value="service:tapestry.page.ComponentSpecificationResolver" />

As for the implementations, I just used modified copies of Tapestry's
default implementations.  I inject the WebContext not just so I can
create filepaths relative from the deployed application, but also so I
can specify the paths for my templates/specifications via
init-parameters in my web.xml, making the module useful in multiple web
applications.  You can also create default specifications on the fly if
a specification file isn't found; by requiring specific conventions, you
can code your implementations in such a way that *.jwc and *.page files
need not exist.  The implementations that ship with Tapestry should give
you a pretty good idea as to how you can work in your own behavior.


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