
Still getting acquainted with T5, and I created my first component called ImageMessage that accepts my custom ImageMessageModel parameter:

public class ImageMessage {

   @Parameter(required = true)
   private ImageMessageModel model;

And when I bound my ImageMessageModel instance to that component's parameter, I got following exception note: Could not find a coercion from type com.t5test.tapestry.base.ImageMessageModel to type com.t5test.tapestry.base.ImageMessageModel

Of course, I don't have coercion type registered for my custom class, but I don't need it because I'm NOT trying to bind different classes, just to pass instance of exactly the required parameter class. I hope the exception above doesn't mean that I have to register new coercion type for each custom class tha tI use as parameter inside my components? I looked at the docs abour parameter binding, and I didn't find that rule either.
So I am confused what the above exception means?


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