autowiring was added in 4.1.0
For previous versions, you need to google for an autowiring module (i
think be James Carman)

On Nov 18, 2007 7:27 AM, Vadim Berezniker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> tapestry4
> my hivemodule.xml looks like this
> <module id="testmodule" version="1.0.0" package="com.test.project">
>         <service-point id="TestDao" interface="dao.TestDao">
>                 <create-instance class="dao.impl.MemoryTestDaoImpl" />
>         </service-point>
>         <service-point id="TestService" interface="service.TestService">
>                 <invoke-factory>
>                         <construct class="service.impl.TestServiceImpl">
>                                 <set-service property="testDao" 
> service-id="TestDao"/>
>                         </construct>
>                 </invoke-factory>
>         </service-point>
> </module>
> page class:
> public abstract class TestPage extends BasePage
> {
>         @InjectObject("service:testmodule.TestService")
>         public abstract TestService getTestService();
> }
> The above works, but if I remove @InjectObject, the service does not
> get injected...
> Also auto-wiring is not working for hivemind services themselves... if
> I remove the setter injection above, testDao will be null. (Which
> makes me suspect both might be hivemind problems not tapestry
> problems... but I thought I'd try here).
> I would appreciate some help
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Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / JEE Consulting

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