I may be wrong as I'm a tapestry newbie, but pageAttached is something related to the compilation and pooling of the page template. Thus it should not deal with session buisness.

jeffrey ai a écrit :
Hi Folks,

I am looking for the best way to initialize a session variable(@Persist) in
a page render request once, so I could access it in the next action request.

I tried to put the logic into "pageAttached" method like below:
        private xxx myVar;

        @SuppressWarnings(value = "unused")
        private void pageAttached()
                if (myVar == null) initializeVar();

It doesn't work as I expected. myVar is always null in "pageAttached"
method. It seems the "pageAttached" method is not supposed to mutate a
persistent variable.

However, if I put this logic into some other place  like below, it works
        private xxx myVar;

        public String getSomeOtherVar()
                if (myVar == null) initializeVar();
                return someOtherVar;

Although it works, apparently, this is not a good place.
Is there a better place to do session variable initialization?
I believe it should not be put into constructor too because it will be
viewable to other sessions.

Jeffrey Ai

Michael Courcy

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