On 20.11.2007, at 19:08, Ulrich Stärk wrote:

What version of Tapestry are you referring to? Tapestry 5 doesn't use subclasses of BasePage anymore, that's Tapestry 4. But you are trying to use T5s spring integration, that is a little bit odd... Have a look here http://www.nabble.com/another-tapestry-4.1.3- archetype-tf4754756.html#a13600914 for a link to a maven archetype I created which integrates Tapestry 4.1.3, Spring 2.0.7 and Hibernate. There's also some instructions on how to use this archetype.



Aie, embarrassing!! I am indeed mixing Tapestry 5 and 4.1.

But thanks for the pointers, Uli and Michael, I gladly take
a look at them.

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