The nightly docs are now fixed.

My hatred of Maven is growing quickly. You may not be aware of this,
but Jesse "fixed" the Surefire plugin for Maven almost two years ago
and that STILL isn't the default version (i.e., the non-snapshot
In order to get some new tests working, I had to upgrade to TestNG
5.7, and for that to work, I had to enable Maven plugin snapshots to
get the fixed Surefire plugin.  That's been breaking other stuff, for
example, the surefire-report plugin doesn't seem to be compatible with
the fixed surefire plugin.

I'm investigating Buildr, which is a Ruby based build system that
understands Maven dependencies. It looks very promising.  There's
something of a Goedel issue in using Java to build Java, so I eagerly
embrace using another language (Ruby) to build Java instead.

Anyway, I had to strip out the surefire reports (like anyone reads
them --- code coverage reports are more useful) in order to fix the

People have been asking a lot about when T5 will be finished. I'm
doing some work on it right now, while I'm on vacation. I have new
clients lined up, so I'll be working in T5 as I finish T5.  I'm no
longer with Feature50, which means that 100% of my time is now devoted
to Tapestry.  I'm happier than I've been in months ...  and there's
more and more interesting news coming soon about the future of

When will it be finished?  There's a four page bug list, plus a lot of
Ajax features to go.  I'd still like to put in some Spring Web Flow
support (but that may wait for a follow-on release), and beef up the
Hibernate support. I haven't even looked at performance and
optimization yet (pretty hard to tell, considering how fast the
framework runs).  I wish I could snap my fingers and just declare it
done, but to be clear, I want it to be completely useable first ...
and I'm trying to get to that stage as fast as possible.

Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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