
Before I put this into JIRA I thought I'd check if anyone else is seeing a problem with PersistentLocale (in 5.0.6). I'm seeing it convert locales from mixed case to all lower case, which is useless for formatting. For example, if Page 1 sets the locale like this:

        private PersistentLocale _persistentLocaleService;

        Locale locale = Locale.UK;
System.out.println("locale is " + locale + " - " + locale.getDisplayName());

then this is what prints:

        locale is en_GB - English (United Kingdom)

But when I'm in Page 2 I get the locale and find it has mutated...

        Locale locale = _persistentLocaleService.get();
System.out.println("locale is " + locale + " - " + locale.getDisplayName());

...this is what prints:

        locale is en_gb - en_gb

This mutated locale in page 2 is useless for formatting. Code like the following produces default-styling instead of UK-styling:

        _myDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale);
        System.out.println(_myDateFormat.format(new Date()));

Has anyone else experienced this?



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