an advantage to NOT having tapestry built on spring is that we can drop in our legacy spring contexts where we don't want to upgrade from 1.x

I really think tapestry-ioc was designed in such a way to allow maximum refactorability and ease of testing from the developer's standpoint.

In a way, I kindof see what you mean. I was a little put off by T4 when I heard of this "hivemind"(the predecessor to tapestry-ioc) thing when I had already studied up on spring.

I suppose it would really take some time to see how Spring evolves, whether or not it would be up to the job for driving tapestry. I believe tapestry-ioc and -core have made such a great leap forward in terms of "pulling it all together" for streamlining web-development with java that it wouldn't have been possible to do with Spring. spring was ubiquitous already, but couldn't mature as fast because they had to hold up the legacy support. Tapestry is often critized for having too many releases with too little compatibility. This is the price you pay for having such an excellent framework. I believe tapestry-ioc to be very mature already and by the time it comes 'round that Spring can do what tapestry-ioc can do, tapestry-ioc (and tapestry-core) will probably have a big following. Those people may/ may not want to go through the hassle of switching to spring. That depends on how appealing Spring is or becomes. maybe by that point "Spring" might be considered "stale".
Anyway, the tapestry-spring link is exactly what this project needs.

I think the site should do a little more to distinguish between the two and drive new tapestry-lookers to a path which makes tapestry and spring look like best pals.

-Mike Lake

On Dec 26, 2007, at 3:50 PM, Fernando Padilla wrote:

I apologize. I didn't mean to infer that it doesn't integrate nicely, nor that it's not good. So don't take offense, I was just doing some uneducated guesstimates on tapestry adoption.

The IoC is actually quite good once you get used to it (except for the Aliases mechanism which I haven't looked into enough). But I came from the point of view of, "I like Tapestry, and I'm using Tapestry". Then I learned what I needed to do to get tapestry to work, and to work with my spring configuration (quite easy).

But for many people that come in with a mind of "will I like Tapestry? should I use this or that?". Saying that you have to learn Tapestry-Core, and Tapestry-IoC, and though it integrates with Spring, you have to learn a whole new IoC system (to understand and debug, etc).. well, it could, and probably does, turn a few people away; even subconsciously. We're already asking people to try out and trust this new fangled way of coding up their websites, why ask them to also learn, understand and trust a new fangled way for IoC.

Spring 1.x of course was not up to the job, but it's getting closer and closer to having all the features of Tapestry-IoC. Tapestry could win over a few more people by saying that it's built on top of Spring.

But like I said, I love Tapestry and will stick with it, and support the developers decisions to get it done. Though I do wish that there was more adoption..

Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 13:07:49 -0200, Fernando Padilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
But my guess is that using a different IoC system is really hurting adoption of tapestry. If tapestry could really integrate well with spring, then it could be more easily understood/picked up/recommended by A LOT more people.
Sorry, I do not get it. Tapestry-IoC (and Tapestry the Web framework too) integrate very easily and seamlessly with Spring. Your page classes do not even know where the beans are coming from. What's your problems with the Tapestry5-Spring integration?

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