I think the new binding var (available from Tapestry
0.8 snapshot)  is what you are looking for.
Document is available at the following.


There is also a post on this last week.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Things are kind of slow here at the office, so I'm
> taking advantage of that
> to finally get a look at Tapestry. Though I'm a
> newbie to Tapestry, I'm not
> a newbie to web development; I've worked with JSP,
> JSF, Struts, and even
> XMLC. Thought I might as well dive into Tap5 since
> that's the future, even
> though that seems to mean that the book I have (Kent
> Tong's) is of no value
> to me (this is not a complaint; I know others have
> complained about the
> lack of backward compatibility, but I realize that
> sometimes you just have
> to drop that baggage in order to make any real
> progress forward). But I'm
> having a tough time finding any documentation on
> page templates; how to
> build them or display values.
> I've started with the tutorial app, using v5.0.7, 
> and am gradually
> extending it. I've gotten the Spring integration
> working, which was very
> simple once I began to understand what I had done
> wrong. So I'm able to
> leverage my existing knowledge, and get data from a
> database. I do intend
> to look at the Tapestry IOC way of doing things, but
> I'm starting with
> little steps; that will come later.
> So what I've got at this point is a Jobs.tml that I
> can access from the
> Start.tml. Jobs.java gets a ServiceDao injected by
> Spring, and uses that to
> retrieve a list of JobStatus for display. A
> JobStatus consists of a String
> jobId, a String projectNumber, and a
> Map<String,Status> stages. A Status is
> an enum, and the stages Map maps various job stages
> to the status of that
> stage. I access the Status of a job stage by calling
> getStatus(String
> stage) on the JobStatus object.
> In Jobs.tml I have:
>   <table>
>       <thead>
>             <tr>
>                   <th>Job ID</th>
>                   <th>Project Number</th>
>                   <th>Output Status</th>
>                   <th>Shipment Info Posting</th>
>                   <th>Bureau Code Posting</th>
>                   <th>Inquiry Posting</th>
>             </tr>
>       </thead>
>       <tbody>
>           <tr t:type="loop" source="jobs"
> value="jobStatus" >
>             <td>${jobStatus.jobId}</td>
>             <td>${jobStatus.projectNumber}</td>
>             <td>${outputStatus}</td>
>             ....
>           </tr>
>     </tbody>
>   </table>
> There are a couple of things about this that bother
> me. It seems that
> Jobs.java is required to have a jobStatus property
> (with getter/setter) to
> support the iteration (and for no other reason). I
> can get the output
> status with ${outputStatus} by adding a
> getOutputStatus() method to
> Jobs.java, which then invokes the
> getStatus("Output") method on the
> required JobStatus property. But to me that "smells"
> (to use XP
> terminology). It seems that a temp variable could be
> created to support the
> iteration (ala JSF), and I would rather access the
> output status by
> something like ${jobStatus.getStatus("Output")},
> without requiring an
> artificial method in Jobs.java, especially since it
> appears that I'll have
> to add a number of other, similar, artificial
> methods for the other
> statuses.
> I realize that I may have a *lot* wrong above, and
> my hope is that someone
> will (gently) point those errors out to me. Better
> yet would be to (again
> gently) point me to documentation that will explain
> the above.
> Thanks,
> Dave
> We must begin not just to act, but to think, for
> there is no better slave
> than the one who believes his slavery to be freedom,
> and we are in
> no greater peril than when we cannot see the chains
> on our minds
> because there are yet no chains on our feet.
> -- Michael Reid
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