Hi Grigoris

I will assume that your form is surrounding the @For component.
 * remove the updatePassenger it will confuse things.
 * persist "passengerList" in the session
 * populate "passengerList" on pageBeginRender
 * add a "keyExpression" to the For component
 * then save all the passengers at once.

public void savePassengers() throws DataAccessException {
       try {
for (Passenger passenger : getPassengerList()) {
       } catch (HibernateException e) {
           e.printStackTrace(); //nkons debug
           throw convertHibernateAccessException(e);

I hope it helps.

Alejandro Scandroli
Amneris: We build process-driven web applications.

On Jan 12, 2008 4:54 PM, Grigoris Ioannou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a dynamic form where the user can set a dynamic number of passengers.
> The html looks like:
> <table jwcid="@For"
>                                   source="ognl:passengerList"
>                                   value="ognl:currentPassengerId"
>                                   width="100%"
>                                   border="0">
>                                   <span jwcid="updatePassenger"/>
>                              <tr class="GeneralStrText">
>                                <td>Title</td>
>                                <td>Name</td>
>                                <td>Surname</td>
>                                <td>Age</td>
>                              </tr>
>                              <tr>
>                                <td>
>                                  <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>                                         value="ognl:currentPassenger.name"
>                                         type="text"
>                                         class="textField"
>                                         maxlength="40"
>                                         size="26"/>
>                                  &nbsp;
>                                </td>
>                                <td>
>                                  <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>                                         value="ognl:currentPassenger.surname
> "
>                                         type="text"
>                                         class="textField"
>                                         maxlength="40"
>                                         size="26"/>
>                                  &nbsp;
>                                </td>
>                              </tr>
>                          </table>
>                        </td>
>                      </tr>
>                    </table>
> The updatePassenger is an InvokeListener that executes this code:
> public void updatePassenger(IRequestCycle cycle) {
> if (cycle.isRewinding()) {
> setCurrentPassenger(getPassengerManager().getPassengerById(getCurrentPassengerId()));
>             getPassengerManager().savePassenger(getCurrentPassenger());
> } else {
>             Passenger passenger =
> getPassengerManager().getPassengerById(getCurrentPassengerId());
>             setCurrentPassenger(passenger);
>         }
>     }
> (The idea is that in the beginning I retrieve every Passenger's data from
> the database and when the form is rewinding I store them in the database
> again)
> The getPassengerManager() is a class responsible for handling the Passenger
> objects, based on hibernate. The savePassenger function is:
> public void savePassenger(Passenger passenger) throws DataAccessException {
>         try {
>             getSession().saveOrUpdate(passenger);
>         } catch (HibernateException e) {
>             e.printStackTrace(); //nkons debug
>             throw convertHibernateAccessException(e);
>         }
>     }
> The problem is that when the user submits the form in which all these are
> contained, the savePassenger is called (as it should) but nor does it update
> the passengers or throw an exception. What am I doing wrong?
> The thing is that in the list with passengers, I am keeping the Ids of the
> passengers, not the full Passenger Object, because the DataSqueezer produced
> long strings that (I believe) caused some random problems in submission:
> blank screens or no reaction.
> I am using Tapestry 4.1.3. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you
> in advance,
> Grigoris

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