
I have tried switching to 5.0.8-SNAPSHOT and discovered some strange behaviour with the newly stripped image urls. In some grids that are displayed in pages that are in sub-packages, the sortable icon is references like this

<img alt="[Sortable]" class="t-sort-icon" id="von:sort" src="assets/ tapestry/corelib/components/sortable.png">
(which is wrong)

the sort-asc image is references like this

<img alt="[Asc]" class="t-sort-icon" id="wirkstoff:sort" src="../ assets/tapestry/corelib/components/sort-asc.png">

(which is correct). This is in the same grid component. 5.0.7 referenced both src-tages identically correct with absoulte-urls.

There are other problems in image URLs in sub-pages where the URL is wrong. For an image service e.g. 5.0.7 used to generate

<img src="/appname/package/pagename:ServiceName" width="780">

5.0.8-SNAPSHOT generates

<img src="pagename:ServiceName" width="780">

which is not handled correctly by either Safari or Firefox.



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