Thomas Zenglein a écrit :

thanks evrybody for attempting to help me with that problem. I tried every suggest you gave, with no positve result. Now I think this is a Tapetry internal problem. Any idea for an alternative solution method?
Meanwhile I have to be happy without the regexp check.
Well you could do that inside the onValidate method of your form ...
No ?



Michael Courcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am Mo, Jan 14, 2008 um 4:18
in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
well I wonder if the comma is not playing a role in the interpretation of the annotation ?

did you try to replace the comma by its unicode value :  \u002C

Thomas Zenglein a écrit :
Hello Michael,

I've just tried following lines.

public class Test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
        String foo = ",";
        if (foo.matches("[<>a-zA-Z,öäüÖÄÜß0-9\\.\"\'?!§$%&\\-+*:/ ]+")){
        } else {

With the aim to decide weather String foo contains a ',' ( or another
blabla that I allow) or not. Fortunately that works fine :). Now I want the same functionality in T5.

Michael Courcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am Mo, Jan 14, 2008 um 1:33
in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Did you try this regexp with in a regular java program ?

Thomas Zenglein a écrit :
Hello everybody,

I want my textfield to allow a couple of signs. For that I have the
following code.
@Validate("required,regexp=[<>a-zA-ZöäüÖÄÜß0-9\\.\"\'?!§$%&\\-+*:/ ]+")
public void setName(String name) { = name;

Comma signs should also be allowed here. So I want to extend the regexp to
handle that case.
@Validate("required,regexp=[<>a-zA-Z,öäüÖÄÜß0-9\\.\"\'?!§$%&\\-+*:/ ]+")
leads to Coercion of [<>a-zA-Z to type java.util.regex.Pattern (via String -->
java.util.regex.Pattern) failed: Unclosed character class near index 8 [<>a-zA-Z ^
@Validate("required,regexp=[<>a-z\\,A-ZöäüÖÄÜß0-9\\.\"\'?!§$%&\\-+*:/ ]+")
leads to following error:
Coercion of [<>a-z\ to type java.util.regex.Pattern (via String -->
java.util.regex.Pattern) failed: Unclosed character class near index 7 [<>a-z\ ^
Has anybody an idea for the correct code??? I use tapestry 5.0.6.


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