
I'm running (again) in problems with entities filtering.
Since https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TAPESTRY-1818 is corrected, now I can add JavaScript with '<' in CDATA block but only if I set the rendering type to "text/xml" (with @Meta("tapestry.response-content-type=text/xml") so that the parser understand them.

Now, I would like to also be able to use comparators in the addScript() function of pageRenderSupport.

But it seems that :
- entities are filtered in addScript : if I write pageRenderSupport.addScript("alert('>');"); in Java, the pop-up displays "&gt;" ; - moreover, if I set @Meta("tapestry.response-content-type=text/xml"), scripts added by addScript() are no longer executed.

So... Well, what am I doing wrong ? And how can I correct it ? At least, I need to be able to use "&&", "<" etc in addScript.

Chris, I know that you have a hard time with all these questions, have you any advice ?

In a perfect world, I really like to be able to define block in the template, with Javascript in them, and pass them to addScript... Or perhaps Tapestry may have a javascriptblock component, with it's content automagically added to Tapestry.onDOMLoaded...

Thank in advance,

Francois Armand
Etudes & Développements J2EE
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