Good evening all,

I have a question regarding Tapestry 4.1.3 and page rewinding. So, in my
page, there is a @For component:

  <component id="roomFacilities" type="For">
    <binding name="source" value=" room.facilities" />
    <binding name="value" value="currentRoomFacility" />
    <binding name="index" value="currentRoomFacilityIndex" />
    <binding name="converter" value="facilityConverter" />

I implemented the IPrimaryKeyConverter interface and at first pass it works
fine. But when the form is submitted, i see that the page tries to render
itself again, finding the room parameter null, and ofcourse throwing a null
exception, without even entering the facilityConverter.

I also note that the problem remains even if I include this @For component
inside an @If component (in the .html page):

<div jwcid="@If" condition="ognl:room.facilities.size() > 0">
  <span jwcid="roomFacilities">

Is there a way to avoid this stupid null exception? Can I somehow disable
page re-rendering on rewind? I would like to avoid persisting anything in
the session.

Thank you in advance,

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