Michael Courcy wrote:
You mean that using value="user.loginUser" tapestry alway update the same thing.
Thus if I change the method

User {
void setLoginUser(String loginUser){
  this.loginUser = loginUser;

It should at least output the value I input in my textField ...
And that's right, it actually what's going on the input are correctly output

But When I outout the user itself in the page

public void setUser(User user) {
       this.user = user;

the old value is kept

actually setUser is call before setLoginUser ...

Ok thanks I've to work on that.

If you want, I built a "ListEditor" to handle this kind of things. It's part of my project, http://interldap.org What you may looking for is here : http://svn.forge.objectweb.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/interldap/interldap-wui-common/trunk/src/main/java/org/interldap/wui/t5lib/components/ListEditor.java?view=markup&rev=672
And here there is an example of use case (it really lacks a lot of doc) :

That build a list of input fields, with a [delete] button next to them, and [add new value] button at the end of the list. Each button emits an events so that enclosing component can add or delete matching value from list. When you click on a button, updated values are set in the list at the right place.

It may be use to construct simpler list editor.

Hope it may help !

Francois Armand
Etudes & Développements J2EE
Groupe Linagora - http://www.linagora.com
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28
InterLDAP - http://interldap.org FederID - http://www.federid.org/
Open Source identities management and federation

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