OK, I'm glad you're back in operation.

On Feb 2, 2008 9:39 AM, Michael Gerzabek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, finally I found it: Months ago I was playing around with the Label
> component. I found [1] and did a little rewrite to be able to put labels
> directly in my .tml files. Now 3 months later restarting the project I
> forgot about that.
> So sorry for the noise!
> Michael
> [1] http://www.nabble.com/-T5--Label-tf4618003.html
> Michael Gerzabek schrieb:
> > Ok. I packed the sources. But before I sent them I wanted to try it
> > one more time on my own. I generated new .project and .classpath files
> > with maven (2.0.8), created a new project in eclipse (3.2) imported
> > the project built it and ...
> >
> > ... all the labels where there! So actually now I have what I think 2
> > projects that should be the same. But they aren't. Is it possible that
> > moving from T5.0.4 where I started the application some months ago to
> > T5.0.9 within the same codebase is not free of side effects?
> >
> > I'm switching now to the 'new' codebase and continue my work there.
> > But ...???
> >
> > Howard Lewis Ship schrieb:
> >> Something odd is going on, because there are specific tests for this
> >> stuff so I know it works in the code.  Without seeing all the code and
> >> the full layout, there's no much more I can do.  If you can provide a
> >> zipped up Maven project to demonstate the problem, I'm sure I can whip
> >> up a fix.
> >>
> >> On Feb 1, 2008 2:26 PM, Michael Gerzabek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Howard Lewis Ship schrieb:
> >>>
> >>>> Havning trouble following you ... what is the name, location and
> >>>> contents of your .properties file?
> >>>>
> >>>> Does the expansion work or not work?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> No!
> >>>
> >>> the layout like in maven archetype (both get packaged):
> >>>   |
> >>>   +- JAVA/.../pages/prm/Contact.java
> >>>   +- RESOURCES/.../pages/prm/Contact.properties
> >>>   :
> >>>   /src/main/webapp/prm/Contact.tml
> >>>
> >>> the contents:
> >>> -- Contact.tml --
> >>> <html xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>
> >>>     <head>
> >>>       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> >>> charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
> >>>         <title>Person</title>
> >>>     </head>
> >>>     <body>
> >>>         <h1>${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}</h1>
> >>>         <t:beaneditform id="person" object="person" model="model"
> >>> submitLabel="Ă„nderungen speichern"
> >>>           reorder="title, firstName, lastName, birthDay, EMail, phone,
> >>> fax, mobile, site"/>
> >>>         <p><t:pagelink page="prm/people">back to
> >>> people</t:pagelink></p>
> >>>
> >>>     </body>
> >>> </html>
> >>>
> >>> -- Contact.java --
> >>> ...
> >>>   void pageLoaded() {
> >>>
> >>>         _model = _beanModelSource.create( Person.class, true,
> >>> _resources
> >>> );
> >>>         _model.remove( "id" );
> >>>         _model.remove( "added" );
> >>>         _model.remove( "updated" );
> >>>         _model.remove( "dayOfBirth" );
> >>>         _model.remove( "monthOfBirth" );
> >>>         _model.remove( "affiliate" );
> >>>         _model.remove( "owner" );
> >>>     }
> >>> ...
> >>>
> >>> -- Contact.properties --
> >>> title-label=Titel/Anrede
> >>> firstName-label=Vorname
> >>> lastName-label=Familienname
> >>> middleName-label=Weitere Vornamen
> >>> eMail-label=E-Mail-Adresse
> >>> birthDay-label=Geburtstag
> >>> mobile-label=Mobiltelefon
> >>> phone-label=Telefon
> >>> fax-label=FAX
> >>> site-label=Website
> >>> pictureURL-label=Link zu Bild
> >>>
> >>> As I said, when I debug the resources get picked up. But in the page
> >>> they are not expanded.
> >>>
> >>> Michael
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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