That looks like a bug ... as if it were running the partial path
through HttpServletResponse.encodeURL rather than the full path.

On Feb 2, 2008 5:22 PM, Chuck Kring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm debugging a strange behavior in a T5.0.9 application.   The
> application is a dashboard containing multiple zone-like divs that are
> refreshed via a javascript keypress event handler.  The handler does an
> Ajax.request on an actionlink.href, then updates several zone-like div
> areas.  This is in concept similar to the tapestry zone but driven by
> javascript.
> The page works fine except when my Firefox browser first views
> the window and there is no session.  In that case, T5 renders the
> actionlink url as:
> /t/room.updatedetail;jsessionid=5elfporj6wel/Task/13
> When there is an active session, T5 renders the actionlink url as:
> /t/room.updatedetail/Task/13
> My event hander does not fire when the first (no session) url is posted
> and fires when the second url is posted.   In other words, my page fails
> to update when the brower first renders the page but works correctly
> when you hit refresh.
> I wrote a second event handler that captures all updatedetail events and
> prints out the event context.  In the first case, the second event
> handler is called and the context is empty.  In the second case, both
> event handers are called and the context contains {"Task", "13"}.
> I suspect that the sessionid in the url causes T5.0.9 to drop the event
> context but also recognize that I might be doing something wrong.
> Any suggestions?
>                                                                   Chuck
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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