
we encountered the situation where users authenticate in a web application, 
then using a web form to send mail to certain e-mail addresses. 
The T5 app for that resides under the same URI (here: 
https://some-server/mymailer/start). Certain web form elements (e.g. 1-line 
input fields) are prepopulated with data, depending on the URL GET parameters 
passed to the T5 app (e.g.  https://some-server/mymailer/start?a=b&c=d) and on 
session data.

Now: with different parameters, the web form values remain the same (!), 
resulting in the display of previously entered information for the next 
authenticated user using the T5 app 
=> I need to get rid of this obvious caching issue, but currently have no idea 

I tried passing
to the Tomcat binary for start-up - unfortunately didn't help.

The env is: T 5.0.6, tomcat-5.5.23, SLES 10, Java 1.5.0_13 - on the server.
Browsers hitting the T5 app were IE 6.0.2900, FF

Any of you guys have any idea how to prevent a T5 page from using its "cached 
version" for display? I feel I'm missing sth obvious but also feel pretty much 
stuck :(

Thanks for any pointers,

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