Hi All

I want to track the order of list items that are re-ordered via javascript. My proposed solution is to do something like this:

<html jwcid="@Shell" title="literal:Reordering Test Page">

   <body jwcid="@Body">
<form jwcid="@Form">
<li jwcid="@For" source="ognl:items" value="ognl:currentItem"> <span jwcid="@Hidden" value="ognl:currentItem.index" /> <!-- index simply identifies the order --> //various item data displayed for user </li> </ul>


When the items are re-ordered, I'd fire of a javascript function, prior to submission, that runs over the list and updates the hidden values so that they again run from 1...n.

Now, on post back, the item.index properties will be updated and the model thus re-ordered.

The problem with this is that Tapestry groups all hidden fields at the start of their containing form control. Because they are outside of the list I cannot (easily) update them based on the new order.

Is there are reason that Tapestry moves these controls? As far as I can tell, it is perfectly legal to place an input control of type hidden within any inline or block content.


Richard Hoberman

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