The premature optimization was thinking that resolving dependencies
once, and storing them in instance variables, was going to be
appreciably faster than using static methods.

Actually, the real savings was in terms of typing those same
parameters and annotations ... and that's gone away with the
Guice-inspired ServiceBinder and other improvements.

On Feb 6, 2008 12:40 PM, Hilco Wijbenga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2008 11:32 AM, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > except for bind() which is static.
> Bummer! :-)
> > Just part of the strategy for deferring, or avoiding, instantiation of
> > the module class.
> >
> > In retrospect, premature optimization. If I were starting that from
> > scratch, all the methods on a module class would be static.
> I don't understand. If you say (and I would agree) that using static
> is premature optimisation then why would you still want to make all
> methods in a module static? With instance methods testing is much
> easier.
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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