On Feb 11, 2008 4:24 PM, Emmanuel Sowah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Is it me, or you too have noticed an active participation of Howard in the
> answering of questions here on the list in recent
> times?
> In the past when Tapestry was popular his ego and pompous attitude made him
> feel too high to even bother to read people's request for help.
> But now with the rising of excellent frameworks like GWT and Wicket all
> offering an excellent alternative to Tapestry his ego has dropped massively
> and he has resorted
> back to basics. He started like this anyway and I'm personally glad he's
> going back to his roots. He deserved to be praised for turning back to the
> humble Howard I knew when Tapestry started in the beginning.  It's rather
> unfortunate that competetion had to awaken him. This is a real example of
> the popular saying that
> goes "Competition is a good thing", though. Having said that, I must also
> mention that this might be too late to save Tapestry.
> Looking at the traffic the past times here on the list, one can see there is
> a serious reduction in the use of Tapestry. And that bothers me.
> I persnally think Tapestry had dipped into a deep coma. And from what I know
> many that fall in coma ultimately come out dead.
> Though I'm still hoping for the best for Tapestry. I have a huge codebase
> written in Tapestry. I don't want to go
> the route like went by ditching Tapestry and starting all
> over again.
> Regards,
> Emmanuel

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