I've achieved to handle the event of my component in its container by changing the event handler like this :

So i can handle now all the events bubbling from my component.
But what if i just want to handle the event of my 'detaillink' in the component ?

I've tried something like that :

without success ...

Any advice is welcome


Steph a écrit :

I've got a strange behavior in event bubbling ...

I have an actionlink in a component :

<t:actionlink t:id="detaillink" context="${id}" class="highlight">Show details ...</t:actionlink>

If I write an event handler in the component, the event is handle correctly :

@OnEvent (component="detaillink")
Object detailLink(Long id) {
... do the handling based on the id and return a page to redirect to ...

But if i move this handler (with no modifications) from the component to the page that includes the component, the handler is never called ... According to the documentation, i thought that event bubbling implies that the handlers of the container of my component should be parsed ...

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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