I've a bean with a Class<?> property. I want to display the simple name, without success.

First it understands well that (T5.0.10) :

public static void contributeDefaultDataTypeAnalyzer(MappedConfiguration<Class<?>, String> configuration) {
       configuration.add(Class.class, "text");

It display something like "class my.package.entity".
As I'm trying to contribute my own TypeCoercer, it looks like it is not used :

public static void contributeTypeCoercer(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration) { Coercion<Class, String> coercionClassString = new Coercion<Class, String>() {
           public String coerce(Class input) {
               if (input == null) {
                   return "";
               // my code normally looksup an enum
               return input.getSimpleName();
configuration.add(new CoercionTuple<Class, String>(Class.class, String.class, coercionClassString));

Any idea? I've added a read only property for the moment, perhaps a best way...

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