I forgot to say that i see this behavior on Tap 5.0.11 (i have not try on previous versions)


Stephane Decleire a écrit :
I keep on with my conversation alone ...
... and i have just tried to test the code from Tapestry documentation http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tapestry-core/ref/org/apache/tapestry/corelib/components/Radio.html and get the same result : the label of the radiogroup is not displayed (<label id="null:label"></label>)
Has anybody encounter the same behavior ?
Should i create a ticket in Jira ?


Stephane Decleire a écrit :
I've forgot to give you the result HTML code for the label :

<label id="null:label"></label>


Stephane Decleire a écrit :
I can't figure out how to show the label of a RadioGroup ...
I have tried what i used to do with other form components without success ...

<t:label for="optin"/>
<t:radiogroup t:id="optin" t:value="user.agree" t:label="literal:optin-label" t:validate="required">
   <t:radio t:id="yes" t:value="true"/> <t:label for="yes"/>
   <t:radio t:id="no" t:value="false"/> <t:label for="no"/>

Any idea ?


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