when a user try to connect to my app, it checks if user is logged.
I'm trying to redirect him to page is was trying to access, but I don't know how to do it in Tapestry way. With plain old sendRedirect of servlet response it works, but not as clean as it should.
All pages inherits of this page :

   private SimExplorerState applicationState;

   Object onActivate() throws SimExplorerException {
       if (!userLogged) {
String fromURL = requestGlobals.getRequest().getPath(); // get url being tried applicationState.setRequestedURL(fromURL); // save it in application state of user
           return "Login"; // redirect to login page
       return null;

Then in Login :

public Object onSuccessFromFormLogin() throws SimExplorerException, IOException {
       if (success) {
[...] String fromURL = applicationState.getRequestedURL();
           if (fromURL == null) {
               return elementList;
//return fromURL.substring(1); // doesn't work, as context is then included in page name requestGlobals.getResponse().sendRedirect(fromURL); // bad as Tapestry will try to commit data again in response afterwards....
           return null;
       return this;

Thanks for any advice!

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