The value of getClientId() seems critical to the proper use of clientside 
javascript.  However, unless a component includes a call torenderIdAttribute() 
while rendering its open element tag, the componentseems unable to display its 
id property.   I ran across this when itried to use an Image as a target for an 
@EventListener.  I suspectthat it effects other components as well.

By default Image doesn't render its ID and if you tried to setid="clientId" as 
an informal parameter then you run into a stackoverflow because the 
ClientIdPropertyWorker checks the component's "id"binding.

This doesn't seem to be a huge issue because you can simplywrap the image 
component with an Any component.  However, it does seeminconsistent and results 
in superfluous wrappers.

Before I add this to the jira with a patch - i just wanted to make sure I 
didn't miss something.


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