Sidebars in our application will change from page to page.  Normally,
I'd just pass them from the page to the layout as a block defined in
the page.  However, some sidebars will have forms whose events I'd
like to trap within the sidebar.  Blocks can't do that of course.  So
I want my sidebar to be a component that can trap the event.

I can do this by putting this on my page:

<t:layout sidebar="mySidebar">
<t:if test="false">
    <t:pageSpecificSidebar />

Then in the page class, I can do @InjectComponent private Sidebar
_pageSpecificSidebar; public Sidebar getMySidebar() {return
_mySidebar; }.  Another possibility is to have the <div id="sidebar">
in the page template rather than layout, but I'd rather keep the
"sidebar" code in the layout.

I don't like having to use the <t:if> statement there to prevent the
rendering of the sidebar in the page.  I'm sure there's a better way
to do this.  Suggestions?


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