
Perhaps this one should go into a FAQ/tutorial/cookbook somewhere? I think it would be a great help for people new to the framework.


Robert Zeigler wrote:
Check on the value of the "production mode" symbol?
Detailed exception reports are disabled in production mode.
New apps created with the archetype default to disabling production mode (if I remember correctly).
You could try adding:
to your runtime configuration to see if that brings back the detailed exception reports.


On Mar 19, 2008, at 3/192:12 PM , Dragan Djuric wrote:

Today I got back to a project that I haven't touched for a couple of months
and noticed that Tapestry error page that is displayed is totally short.
Sometimes it displays only the heading and sometimes a heading and the first paragraph. I am pretty sure that this problem existed before in this project
but I was neglecting it so I do not know what change caused this to start

As for greenfield projects, everything is normal. I use Tapestry 5.0.11. and this was happening for sure in 5.0.8, maybe even earlier. I didn't turn it
off intentionally, nor I know how to do this.

Can somebody tell me what could be the cause of the problem? I know that
Tapestry does this right by default, but what are the most probable
sensitive points in the code that I should look for.

Here is the HTML of the error page (as you can see, it is very minimal):

<html><head><link href="../../assets/tapestry/default.css"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><title>Application
Exception</title></head><body><h1 class="t-exception-report">An
unexpected application exception has

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