Any help on this? Howard?

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Robin Helgelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  This is my SaltSource service from tapestry5-acegi package.
>     @Marker(AcegiServices.class)
>     public static SaltSource buildSaltSource(@Inject
>  @Value("${acegi.password.salt}") final String salt) {
>         SystemWideSaltSource s = new SystemWideSaltSource();
>         s.setSystemWideSalt(salt);
>         return s;
>     }
>  How do I go ahead a create an alias override for that? This code from
>  my example application seemed to work before I added the @Marker
>  annotation.
>     public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder) {
>         binder.bind(SaltSource.class,
>  SaltSourceImpl.class).withId("MySaltSource");
>     }
>     public static SaltSource buildMySaltSource() throws Exception {
>         SaltSourceImpl saltSource = new SaltSourceImpl();
>         saltSource.setSystemWideSalt("ANOTHERBEEFYSALT");
>         saltSource.afterPropertiesSet();
>         return saltSource;
>     }
>     public static void contributeAlias(@InjectService("MySaltSource")
>  SaltSource saltSource,
>             Configuration<AliasContribution> configuration) {
>         configuration.add(AliasContribution.create(SaltSource.class,
>  saltSource));
>     }
>  --
>   regards,
>   Robin


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