Actually, I was able to get this done.

I had to contributeValidationMessagesSource to get the messages.

And to get to the current page component from within the Validator, I was able to do this:

public static void contributeFieldValidatorSource (MappedConfiguration<String, Validator> configuration, @InjectService ("ComponentSource")ComponentSource componentSource, @InjectService ("Request")Request request
                                                      ) {
configuration.add("confirm", new Confirm(componentSource, request));

and then:

        String[] pathComponents = request.getPath().split("/");
String pageComponent = pathComponents[pathComponents.length - 1];
        String[] pageComponents = pageComponent.split("\\.");
        Component page = componentSource.getPage(pageComponents[0]);

but this seems a little fragile. Is there a better way?

I do see what you mean though - there is nowhere to attach a piece of javascript to accompany this validator, so it just goes into my own global library. But I'm pretty happy overall with this solution.


On 25-Mar-08, at 2:13 PM, Julian Wood wrote:

Ok no worries.

On a related note, where do you put the messages file for a custom validator? In the example below, which looks for a key called 'confirm', I have tried (in same package as validator called, (the page using the validator) and The latter two of course have verifiably working messages. I always get a [[missing key: confirm]] though.

Back to my validator question, I couldn't find the JIRA issue you were referring to.

BTW, the client side of this type of a validator works quite nicely.

In .java:

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public String getConfirmPassword() {
        return confirmPassword;

On the .tml:

    Object.extend(Tapestry.Validator, {
    confirm: function(field, message, constraint) {
        Tapestry.addValidator(field, true, function(value, event)
            var confirmationSourceField = $(constraint);
            if (confirmationSourceField == null) {
                console.error("No such field: " + constraint);
            } else if (value != confirmationSourceField.value) {

And in (the validator):

public void render(Field field, String sourceFieldId, MessageFormatter formatter, MarkupWriter markupWriter, FormSupport formSupport) { formSupport.addValidation(field, "confirm", buildMessage (formatter, field), sourceFieldId);


On Mar 25, 2008, at 12:27 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

Sorry, those APIs are not in place yet.  I have JIRA issue add
optional validators, which is a loose, general term for what you are
aiming for ("password is required if userName is given").

I think some relationships may not be expressable using the @Validate
annotation, i.e., the string representation; I'm thinking there will
be a kind of JavaScript template object that will be used to generate
some kinds of JavaScript.

Things have slowed down on 5.0 for a moment, while I work on an urgent
client project (in Tapestry 5).

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Julian Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not possible?

Sometimes a validator needs to look at input from another field to see
if it is valid (ie password/confirmPassword). I know it's easy to do
in onValidateForm, but I'd like to see how to do it in a nice modular
Validator. I'm looking for something like:

    public void validate(Field field, String sourceFieldId,
MessageFormatter formatter, Object value) throws ValidationException { Component page = ((AbstractField) field)._resources.getPage();
        try {
            Method getter =
            String sourceValue = (String) getter.invoke(page);
if (value == null || !value.toString().equals (sourceValue)) throw new ValidationException(buildMessage (formatter,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("No public getter field in page for: " +

but can't do that (the only problem being the private _resources). How
can that be done in a Validator? I can't inject anything. I don't
actually need to make my own field which exposes the
ComponentResources, do I?



On Mar 24, 2008, at 5:17 PM, Julian Wood wrote:

How can you get access to an arbitrary Field from inside a
Validator, given its id? In t4 it was relatively easy to grab the
form and from there grab a field.



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