
I'm not sure this can help, this is just an idea,
but maybe it would be easier to create a new type of binding Factory upon the 
AssetBinding factory to add dynamic datas.

Best regards,

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Andreas Pardeike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : vendredi 28 mars 2008 14:58
À : Tapestry users
Objet : T5: Custom asset locator?

Hi everyone,

First: many many thanks to the list for all the valuable info I
get from it (either as passive reading or answers to my questions!)

My problem: I want to expand the virtual /assets mapping because
in the app I am writing, I use the current host name to run different

So I want to implement that

Host: www.SITE_A.com
<img src="${asset:classpath:/i/test.gif}" />
points to SITE_A/i/test.gif


Host: www.SITE_B.com
<img src="${asset:classpath:/i/test.gif}" />
points to SITE_B/i/test.gif

instead of the default way to do it by using

<img src="${asset:classpath:/CURRENTSITE/i/test.gif}" />
or @Path("classpath:${host}/i/test.gif")

and have it dynamically expand to the same paths. The motivation behind
this is that

a) users at SITE_A could replace the url with 'SITE_B' and peek at other

b) the url's get very long and for some reason I don't want to go into
    here, I need to match the URLs style with some dynamic paths that
    fetch resources from a db - there, I automatically take care of the
    host name.

I couldn't find a example on how to expand/overwrite asset lookup (in
the same way I expanded template lookup). All I want is to add a
subfolder on the fly to the asset path and still use the same build
in asset service.

/Andreas Pardeike

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