Good to hear!
With T5.0.6 or T5.0.11?

2008/4/8, Natia Gdzelishvili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've made new project and add my classes and now every thing work
>  2008/4/8 Natia Gdzelishvili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > i change version because i had problem:
>  > AddCelebrity.tml
>  > <t:beaneditform t:id="celebrity" t:submitLabel="Save" />
>  >
>  >
>  > public class AddCelebrity {
>  >     @Persist
>  >     private Celebrity celebrity;
>  >
>  >     public Celebrity getCelebrity() {
>  >         return celebrity;
>  >     }
>  >
>  >     public void setCelebrity(Celebrity celebrity) {
>  >         this.celebrity = celebrity;
>  >     }
>  >
>  > }
>  >
>  >
>  > public class Celebrity {
>  >     private long id;
>  >     private String firstName;
>  >     private String lastName;
>  >     private Date dateOfBirth;
>  >     private Occupation occupation;
>  >     private String biography;
>  >     private boolean birthDateVerified;
>  >
>  >     public Celebrity() {
>  >     }
>  >
>  >     public Celebrity(String firstName, String lastName,Date dateOfBirth,
>  >             Occupation occupation) {
>  >         this.firstName = firstName;
>  >         this.lastName = lastName;
>  >         this.dateOfBirth = Formats.parseDate("12/02/1981");
>  >         this.occupation = occupation;
>  >     }
>  > ....
>  > setter and getter methods
>  > }
>  >
>  > I  was using tapestry 5.0.10 everything worked fine, but when I upgraded
>  > application to 5.0.11 I'm getting error:
>  >
>  > Render queue
>  > error in SetupRender[AddCelebrity:celebrity.editor]: Exception 
> instantiating
>  > instance of ge.bog.celebrities.entity.Celebrity (for component
>  > 'AddCelebrity:celebrity.editor'): Error invoking constructor
>  > ge.bog.celebrities.entity.Celebrity(String, String, Date, Occupation) (at
>  > (for service 'BeanModelSource'): No service implements
>  > the interface java.util.Date.
>  > .......
>  > java.lang.RuntimeException No service implements the interface
>  > java.util.Date.
>  > and no one answered , i was stucked, and i preferred to go back to old
>  > version
>  >
>  >
>  > 2008/4/8 Michael Gerzabek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  >
>  > Natia Gdzelishvili schrieb:
>  > > > can anyone help..
>  > > >
>  > > Try this:
>  > >
>  > > 1. *Use T5.0.11*, it's the latest stable release, also voted beta from
>  > > dev team. There is not a single reason why you would use 5.0.6. You even
>  > > can continue using the book. There are only very few things that changed
>  > > from 5.0.6 to 5.0.11. You can find those things when you double check
>  > > the release notes [1] that are on the T5 homepage and the upgrade notes
>  > > [2] that are on the nightly builds website. Sounds a lot read but is
>  > > really fast forward.
>  > >
>  > > 2. use the extension .tml for your template files
>  > > 3. put your templates either on your context root, which is
>  > > YOUR_PROJECT/src/main/webapp if you used the maven archetype, or put
>  > > them into your resources package, which is
>  > > YOUR_PROJECT/src/main/resources/YOUR_JAVA_PACKAGE/PAGENAME.tml. The
>  > > preferred option is to put your templates in your resources section.
>  > > More info on this can be found in the online documentation in the
>  > > section project layout [3].
>  > > 4. restart jetty
>  > >
>  > > now everything should be fine.
>  > > Regards,
>  > > Michael
>  > >
>  > > [1]
>  > > [2]
>  > >
>  > > [3]
>  > >
>  > > 
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>  > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > >
>  > >
>  >


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