Has anyone tried my demo page of the problem? I've simplified it as much as I 
can to show just the issue at hand. Should this go into JIRA now?


public class BasicAJAX
    private int count = 0;

    private Zone aZone;

    Object onActionFromOutsideZone() {
        return aZone;

    Object onActionFromInsideZone() {
        return aZone;

<html xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>
    <h1>Basic AJAX Tester (${count} - only updates on full page refresh)</h1>

    <a t:type="actionlink" t:id="outsideZone" href="#" t:zone="aZone">Refresh - 
this is an AJAX-enabled ActionLink</a><br/><br/>

    <div t:type="zone" t:id="aZone">
        <p>I am a AJAX updated ZONE! count=${count}</p>
        <a t:type="actionlink" t:id="insideZone" href="#" 
t:zone="aZone">Refresh - this is an AJAX-enabled ActionLink inside the 


> Rather than explain (probably badly) exactly what the problem is, I'll 
> provide a small example page called
> BasicAJAX. This page demonstrates that if an actionlink that causes a zone 
> refresh via AJAX is part of the
> refreshed zone itself, it only works on alternate clicks in IE. Each time 
> it's rendered as part of the zone
> update it causes a full page refresh when clicked, which means it can do a 
> zone update the following click.
> It works fine in Firefox though.
> If I return a block instead of a zone the second click in the link inside
> causes the ComponentEventException shown below, instead of the full page
> refresh.
> org.apache.tapestry.runtime.ComponentEventException - A component event
> handler method returned the value
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Return type
> org.apache.tapestry.internal.structure.BlockImpl can not be handled.
> Configured return types are java.lang.Class, java.lang.String,
> java.net.URL,
> org.apache.tapestry.Link, org.apache.tapestry.StreamResponse,
> org.apache.tapestry.runtime.Component.
> It looks like a bug to me, should it be entered into a bug DB somewhere? I
> hope that this is a known problem that has already been fixed or is in the
> process of being fixed because it's a pretty big dealbreaker for T5 AJAX
> support as IE is still the dominant browser.
> (using T5.0.11, IE6.0.2900, FF2.0.0.6, Tomcat5.5.9)

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