Hard to tell without checking the code, but:  looks like the
FlexDataEditor delegates all its behavior to the built-in DateField
component, right?

So the DateField is the component that (at render) negotiates an
control name (i.e., FormSupport.allocateControlName() ), and then
pushes the parsed and validated date back up.  You should see this in
the HTML and form submission, a component whose client element has a
name like "datefield" (or "datefield_0", etc.).

Presumable the DateField is tied to a property of the FlexDateEditor,
and that property is tied eventually up to your bean.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Bill Holloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a custom data type called FlexDate, and I've made a simple
>  <t:flexdateeditor> component for it which (for now) just holds a date
>  field.  It will get more complex later.  I put this editor into my
>  AppPropertyEditBlocks.tml.  Code is below.  Then I have a data object with
>  an instance var of FlexDate type.  I pump this into a beanformeditor.  The
>  problem is that the elementName arg of processSubmission (in
>  FlexDateEditor.java) never seems to be in my _request.getParameterNames() so
>  I can extract the date!  Help?
>  FlexDateEditor.tml:
>  <div class="flexDateEditor" xmlns:t="
>  http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>
>     <t:dateField value="date1" />
>  </div>
>  Date1 is defined in FlexDateEditor.java and evaluated to new Date() during
>  beginRender().
>  AppPropertyEditBlocks.tml (snippet):
>  <t:block t:id="flexDate">
>         <t:label for="flexDateEditor" />
>         <t:flexDateEditor t:id="flexDateEditor" />
>  </t:block>
>  The elementName arg of processSubmission in FlexDateEditor.java is always
>  the name of the instance variable in my data object that goes into
>  beanformeditor.  Grr.  How can I get the fields of the datefield to be named
>  that way so I can extract the value?
>  --
>  Bill @ PeoplePad

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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