I don't understand - it uses the modern DOM events system, abstracted
(partially) by tapestry.js, and further abstracted by the underlying
prototype.js library. What is it you are asking?

zack1403 wrote:
> Why doesnt tapestry attach events to the DOM instead of using onClick?
> Zack
> Chris Lewis-5 wrote:
>> Hi Lucca,
>> I'd been looking for a good example to use to write a wiki explaining
>> the integration javascript by Tapestry, and your request gave me what I
>> was looking for. Check out the article here:
>> http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/Tapestry5AndJavaScriptExplained (project
>> source: http://thegodcode.net/tapestry5/jsclarity-project.zip). Apart
>> from discussing in detail how T5 integrates JS, it shows how to create a
>> mixin that can be added to link components. The mixin attaches js code
>> to the component, so that when the link is clicked the user is presented
>> with a confirmation box. Canceling the box cancels the click, while OK
>> allows it to proceed as normal. This should be useful for those looking
>> to add click confirmation functionality, but in your case I'm not sure
>> if it will help. I ask you to try and see, but the problem will be how
>> T5 attaches the js handlers for the ajax code (that is, they may fire
>> before the confirmation code).
>> Anyway, I think it will be helpful to those looking for such an
>> explanation, and I hope it helps you.
>> chris
>> Luca Fossato wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm playing with actionlink and zones to understand T5 ajax functions
>>> (Tapestry 5.0.11).
>>> I'd like to define an actionlink like this one:
>>> <t:actionlink t:id="deleteLink" context="myContext"
>>> t:zone="zoneToUpdate" onclick="confirm('are you sure to delete this
>>> record ?');">delete</t:actionlink>
>>> where the onclick handler uses a javascript confirmation dialog to ask
>>> to the user if he/she wants to delete the selected record.
>>> It seems to me the Tapestry.linkZone js function "eats" the user
>>> onclick handler and set its own - so it is not possible to execute any
>>> js code prior to invoke the ajax call.
>>> Is it correct or am I missing something ?
>>> I tried to "fix" this behaviour, modifying a bit the Tapestry.linkZone
>>> function (just an experiment):
>>> --- cut here ---
>>> /** Convert a form or link into a trigger of an Ajax update that
>>>  * updates the indicated Zone.
>>>  */
>>> linkZone : function(element, zoneDiv)
>>> {
>>>   // ... original code until "Otherwise, assume it's just an ordinary
>>> link." comment...
>>>   // Otherwise, assume it's just an ordinary link.
>>>   var onClickValue = element.getAttribute("onclick");
>>>   if (onClickValue != null)
>>>   {
>>>     element.setAttribute("tapestry5_onbeforeajax",  onClickValue);
>>>   }
>>>   var handler = function(event)
>>>   {
>>>       var onBeforeAjaxRes = true;
>>>       var onBeforeAjaxValue =
>>> element.getAttribute("tapestry5_onbeforeajax");
>>>       if (onBeforeAjaxValue != null)
>>>       {
>>>         onBeforeAjaxRes = eval(onBeforeAjaxValue);
>>>       }
>>>       // execute the Ajax request only if the original onclick
>>> attribute was not set or if the evaluation
>>>       // of the related function returned true;
>>>       if (onBeforeAjaxRes === undefined || onBeforeAjaxRes)
>>>         new Ajax.Request(element.href, { onSuccess : successHandler });
>>>       return false;
>>>   };
>>>   element.onclick = handler;
>>> },  // end of linkZone function
>>> --- cut here ---
>>> that is a 10 minutes "fix", so probably it's not the best solution.
>>> Anyway it seems to work fine for my experiment ;^)
>>> To block the execution of the ajax call, do NOT use a return statement
>>> inside the onclick handler. Example:
>>> <t:actionlink t:id="deleteLink" t:zone="zoneToUpdate" onclick="return
>>> myFunction(myParam);">delete</t:actionlink>
>>> use this instead:
>>> <t:actionlink t:id="deleteLink" t:zone="zoneToUpdate"
>>> onclick="myFunction(myParam);">delete</t:actionlink>
>>> because eval() returns the value of the last expression evaluated.
>>> http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Functions:eval
>>> Does this stuff make sense for you ?? ;^)
>>> Thank you,
>>> Luca Fossato
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