I know Howard appreciates the need for conversations, but he's pretty flat-out.
Actually, I'm not sure if there's a JIRA ticket for it.

On 24/04/2008, at 7:03 AM, Christoph Jäger wrote:

Hi Geoff,

it seems your JIRA describes just what I would like to have. I especially like the idea with the conversation id, because my next thought would have been: what happens if the user edits two different persons in two different windows of his web browser at the same time (over a slow network, it might actually be not too difficult to have the two requests for each page interleaved).

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a lot of interest in your issue, no fix version, no assignee :(. I just voted for it, maybe this helps (I know, the best thing would be to fix it myself, but this seems to be a bit big for a first contribution).

The conversation id would be a nice tool anyhow, this way you could persist things in the session without having to worry about different requests to the same page mix things up. Is there something like a conversation id in Tapestry right now?

Best Regards,


On Apr 23, 2008, at 00:45 , Geoff Callender wrote:

Totally agree!  See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TAPESTRY-2138

Workaround is @Persist combined with nullifying the persisted object in cleanupRender().


On 23/04/2008, at 6:54 AM, Christoph Jäger wrote:


Sorry for this long post. I spent quite some time now to try to figure out how to use forms to edit/update objects the "right" way (you know, simple, stable, elegant, easy to read, easy add things, ...). I use Tapestry 5.0.11. I am almost satisfied with what I came up with now, but some improvements need to be done. Maybe someone on this list can help with some ideas.

As an example, lets have a PersonEdit page, with a PersonDao injected. You can create new Person entries or edit existing ones. To edit an existing person, there is a PageLink on a PersonSearch page, which has the Person's primary id as context. To create a new Person, a PageLink with 0 as context is used. To make this work, we have onActivate() and onPassivate() methods in PersonEdit:

void onActivate(int id)
_id = id;
if (id == 0)
 _person = new Person();

int onPassivate()
return _id;

This way we can avoid using @Persist on the Person property (because, for instance, we want a user to be able to open two browser windows, viewing two different Person entries side by side and edit and save both of them. I think this would be problematic if we use @Persist, but please correct me if I am wrong).

Now, editing an existing user works like this:

- click the "edit user XYZ" PageLink on the PersonSearch page
- in onActivate(), the personDao is used to query the Person from the database
- an HTML form is rendered to let the user edit the values

Up to here everything looks perfect.

- the user edits the Person's data and hits the "save" button

- onActivate() is called, a fresh Person is loaded from the database
- for each field in the HTML form, validation is done (if defined), and a property in the fresh Person instance is set if the validation was successful - onValidateForm() is called if existing to allow for cross-field validation - if all validations were successful, onSuccess() is called. Here we call _person=personDao.save(_person). This save method returns a new Person instance, exactly as it was written to the database (primary id may be generated by the database, time stamps or version numbers updated, ...). We use this new Person's id : _id=_person.getId() to make sure we have the correct if for the next onPassivate()
- onPassivate() is called
- result sent to browser, redirect
- onActivate() loads Person again
- new form is rendered

This is good, but I think it could be improved.

1. The Person is loaded from the database twice (using personDao.get()), and saved once. The save() method of personDao already gives us a new, fresh instance of Person, it seems like a waste to load it again after the redirect.

2. During validation, we check if there is already a Person with the same userid (in onValidateForm(), or in onValidateFromUserId()) and warn the user if this is the case. But what happens if a new Person with this userId is added just after onValidateForm() is called, but before onSuccess() is called, where we want to save? To make our program solid, we have to take this into account. In case save() does not work, we do not want to see some exception page, but the form, as it was filled, with a hint what might have gone wrong, so the user can try again. To make this possible, we have to move the save() to onValidateForm(), because there we can still record form errors (I think there is a JIRA for an improvement to this situation).

3. We want to give the user feedback of what happened. After clicking the save button, we want to show a message like "Successfully saved new person information" above the form (at the same place you would see error messages like: "The first name is mandatory"). The only thing that comes to my mind is to use @Persist to save the message from the onSuccess() or onValidateForm() through the redirect to the next page render. But now I have problems to make sure this @Persist'ed message is cleared and is only presented to the user directly after the save button was clicked.

I think to find a nice solution for these issues (you know, easy things should be easy to do, and a form like this does not sound very complex to me, so there should be an easy solution), a @Persist, which persists values just through the redirect would be very helpful. The problem is, I have no idea how this could work. But maybe an option like this already exists (I am sure I am not the first to have problems like this), and I just didn't find it.

Any ideas are welcome,


Christoph Jäger

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Christoph Jäger

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