Thanks Waldo! This solves my problem exactly how I needed to attack
it. The little extra code doesn't bother me, it's just how it's done.
I simply didn't know enough about Tapestry, specifically
ComponentMessagesSource and ComponentSource interfaces!

Thanks again, this rocks.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Waldo Mendoza
> Adam Zimowski <zimowski74 <at>> writes:
>  >
>  > Is there a way to access message catalog of some page or component
>  > from another page or component? I know of two ways to do this, but
>  > both are "hacks" IMHO:
>  >
>  > class SomePage {
>  >
>  > @Inject
>  > private Messages _messages;
>  >
>  > public getMessages() {
>  >  return _messages;
>  > }
>  > }
>  >
>  > class Foo {
>  >
>  > @InjectPage
>  > private SomePage _page;
>  >
>  > // now I can access messages from _page
>  > }
>  >
>  > Above way is a pain because every page/component needs to explicitly
>  > expose message catalog for use by other page. Another way to do this
>  > would be to obtain page/component resource path, and do it
>  > old-fashioned way with java.util.Property - ughh... !
>  >
>  > What I was looking for is some support by Messages, perhaps overriden
>  > method get(String key):
>  >
>  > Messages.get(String resourcePath, String key)
>  > Messages.get(Class component, String key)
>  >
>  > The thing is, that I need to read another componen't message catalog
>  > not knowing ahead of time what the comopnent is. I don't see a "clean"
>  > way of doing it at the moment, any ideas?
>  >
>  > -adam
>  >
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>  Hello Adam
>  One posibility is to Inject ComponentSource and ComponentMessageSource, after
>  that you can use ComponentSource to get the page by name, and use
>  ComponentMessageSource to get the page Messages, something like:
>  private ComponentMessagesSource _componentMessageSource;
>  private ComponentSource _componentSource;
>  ...
>  Component page = _componentSource.getPage("foo");
>  Messages messages = _componentMessageSource.getMessages(
>                             page.getComponentResources().getComponentModel(),
>  page.getComponentResources().getLocale());
>  ....
>  Maybe it would be more clean to create a specific service that you can inject
>  to your page.
>  Hope this helps.
>  Bye
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