The problem in "client" strategy that it used Serializable mechanism of jvm. Of cause it produce a lot of data (not getting in mind that most domain objects are not Serializable). I use own persistent strategy called 'parameter'. It is similar to "client" with follow exceptions.

   *  It uses ValueEncoder to convert from Object to String and from
     String to Object. It save a lot of space, because for domain
     object only it id is persistent, which is rarely longer than 6
   * It persist each field in separate parameters (when "client"
     persist all data in parameter t:ac) . In this way it is similar to
     activation context's friendly url behavior. User see somethings
     like this

With help of this strategy I persist data between request to the same page. It solves both: problem with multiple browser tabs and problem with too many persistent fields in session.

Ivan Dubrov wrote:

Right. Most annoying things for us about “session” and “flash” scopes was that they don’t work in several tabs. And “client” can’t hold too much data.

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