
I've had a look through the archive but haven't spotted an explanation for my query.

I have used Tapestry 3 in the past and have just started looking at T5. I have not used Maven before and part of my query probably relates to that.

I have been doing Howard's tutorial and I note Maven pulls in annotations-5.0.10 which does not have @Property (so the tutorial breaks unless you specify the getters and setters explicitly). Without knowing anything of Maven I took a gues and changed the POM file line that specifies the Tapestry release version to 5.0.11 and it magically pulled down all the new files.

That seemed to fix things w.r.t @Property - it all compiled and ran in the browser correctly. However, when I did the next bit of the tutorial it somehow broke it. It still compiles (and the correct libraries are in the Build path) but it no longer works, giving:

org.apache.tapestry.internal.services.TransformationException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Property

While all this "magic" automatic running of things is fine, with no understanding of how Jetty is getting the classpath I have no idea how to go about fixing this. I also notice that while Howard points out in his video how dandy it is to change something and write the file and refreshing the browser just automagically updates, it doesn't do that all the time. As I've got further into the tutorial I find I now always have to restart Jetty to get the changes to come through. Ok, it's cached - how do I get it to lose the cached version without restarting Jetty?

Help please.


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