Hi all,
I'm working on getting a Portal implementation working based off of this (http://blog.xilinus.com/2007/9/4/prototype-portal-class-2). So far I have everything working the way it should but am now getting to the stage where I want to start saving the portal layout changes to a db for the user. We're currently on 4.0.x and I spied the EventListener annotation and it looks like exactly what I need to call from the JavaScript side.

The problem I'm running into is I don't know how to get my listener actions called, the javascript that is called is not tied to the DOM and I'm unclear on how I'm supposed to tie the function I want to listen to to a Tapestry component (as has been suggested in other emails).

Here are the relevant pieces of code:
portal_hooks.js (passed into the portal as function calls)

function onChange(portalState) {

function onUpdate(portalState) {

@EventListener(targets="portal" events="onChange")
public void testOnChange(BrowserEvent event) {

@EventListener(targets="portal" events="onUpdate")
public void testOnChange(BrowserEvent event) {

the "portal" target is the actual JavaScript object that I'm creating in Portal.script in the "<initialization>" section: portal = new Xilinus.Portal("#portal div", {onOverWidget: onOverWidget, onOutWidget: onOutWidget, onChange: onChange, onUpdate: onUpdate, removeEffect: Effect.SwitchOff});

So any suggestions on how to tie these together is greatly appreciated as the docs on this are not clear on how to do this except for the following line: "When listening to a client-side javascript function that does not represent a native browser-event, you can access the parameters passed to the function on the server-side. The Parameters are made available as a JSON-Array within the class BrowserEvent."

but the example given doesn't work (at least I haven't gotten it to work for my case.

Thanks in advance!


Warner Onstine - Programmer/Author
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