  I've noticed some quirks about the html generated by T5, and I was
wondering how I could go about changes these things.  I would appreciate it
if someone could point out how to fix these things.

1) When using <t:body/>, an additional attribute xmlns="
http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; is added to the parent of the <t:body/>.  For

<div id="foo">

generates the following html:

<div id="foo" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>

I would like to prevent the xmlns from being appended to the parent element.

2) When using <br/> , an addition attribute clear="none" is added. So:



<br clear="none">

3) Probably the most annoying one, when using <a>, shape="rect" is
appended.  So:

<a href="">


<a href="" shape="rect">

When I attempt to enable xhtml output as outlined in this wiki posting:

the rendered page has a bunch of glitches due to these extra parameters
(especially the shape="rect").

Any way to fix these issues?


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