For T3, I avoid using the built-in conditional and foreach components, and instead use the If, Else, and For components in the "Base" library at:
The T4 components are based on these.
They should basically ensure that you don't see the stale-link.


On May 20, 2008, at 5/209:13 AM , Kevin Menard wrote:

Are you modifying the form based on the search results? If so, make sure you use ListEdit rather than Foreach. Unfortunately, I've been out of the T3 game a long time, but that seems like the most likely culprit to me.


On May 18, 2008, at 11:01 AM, David Moskowitz wrote:

Hello Users,

I just cannot figure this one out. It seems like this error just started out of nowhere. Of course this is probably not the case, but no changes I made seem to contribute to this error. anyway.

I can get the following stale link error simply by clicking the form's search button a few times, without even modifying any search parameters.

You have clicked on a stale link.
Rewind of form SharedSummary/$SharedSummaryComponent.$Form expected allocated id #50 to be '$If$28', but was 'vdatepicker$1' (requested by component SharedSummary/ $SharedSummaryComponent.objectList.docsRecdDate.vdatepicker). This is most likely the result of using your browser's back button, but can also be an application error.
You may continue by returning to the application's home page.

I have a simple search form with text field and select list parameters on top of the page, and a list of results on the bottom. I have a search and reset imagesubmit on the top of the page.

Click search a few times gives the error.

I am doing the data retrieval in the formSubmit(IRequestCycle cycle) method.

When I hit the error, it doesn't even get to this spot.
The trace shows that the pageBeginRender is fired once, then the error occurs, before any search is done.

This makes no sense to me. I realize this is an old problem and I am using an old version, but any advice is GREATLY appreciated.

Best regards,
David                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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