The Autocomplete calls toString on each of the objects that you
return, and that is the value that is set into your input box.

You can check out the source for the component it's pretty short.

If you want more complex data to be displayed then you can extend the
class and implement the generateResponseMarkup method. As of 5.0.11
extending the client side behavior when the user chooses a value is
not possible, as far as I could find.


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Manuel Corrales
> Hi, i have s doubt about autocomplete component. According to the
> documentation, you can return a list of any objects on the
> onProvideCompletions, my question is, when i choose a value, this value is
> going to be the object from that list? or just a string and i have to make a
> match beetwen the string and the real object?
> Thanks very much!

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