i forgotten:

the URIAssetAliasManager is only availble in the t5components-SNAPSHOT

2008/6/1 Sven Homburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> the t5components library contains an URIAssetAliasManager
> let you point to asset location via unified resource 
> identifier<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier>
> sample:
> @Inject
> @Path("uri:ftp://somehost/mypic.png";)
> private Asset myRemoteAsset
> 2008/6/1 Jun Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> My all assets (images,javascripts) are placed on other server machine.I
>> want
>> to change the T5 application's asset prefix url.How to?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> regards,
>> Jun Tsai
> --
> with regards
> Sven Homburg
> http://tapestry5-components.googlecode.com
> http://chenillekit.googlecode.com

with regards
Sven Homburg

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