One more addition: When including the flash player in a page, the recommended technique is to put inline javascript that renders the flash player where the javascript appears in the page. The javascript relies on an external javascript file being included. If I do an asset injection of the Flash javascript, it ends up at the bottom of the page and the flash player inline javascript fails. So it seems like one would need to override this behavior. Otherwise I'd have to package up the inline javascript as a method, inject that and then call it in place. But I'm concerned with putting all the javascript for the flash in a Java file. That is not a natural fit.

I have some questions regarding the decision to render Javascript at the end of the document:

1) What was the rationale/dirver for this?
2a) The upgrade notes say to use RenderSupport. Can anyone provide a short description of how to use RenderSupport to inject a simple javascript function? 2b) This implies that a lot of inline javascript will have to be moved from .tml to .java classes. It seems this will reduce the "naturalness" of being able to use javascript normally.

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